From Whence Came 1950s Rock and Roll? (and where did it go?) –originally presented 4/9/15
(click above link to view a .pdf of the powerpoint presentation)
A Lifelong Learning Society Four-Part Lecture Series: From “Tin Pan Alley” to Rock and Roll: The Story of American Popular Music Through Sound and Film, presented by James E. Cunningham PhD, at the Lifelong Learning Center, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Winter-Spring 2015.

“Birds of a Feather: The Blues and Country as “Kissing Cousins”
– originally presented 4/2/15
(click above link to view a .pdf of the powerpoint presentation)
A Lifelong Learning Society Four-Part Lecture Series: From “Tin Pan Alley” to Rock and Roll: The Story of American Popular Music Through Sound and Film, presented by James E. Cunningham PhD, at the Lifelong Learning Center, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Winter-Spring 2015.

“America’s Music Comes to Life: The Blossoming of Jazz”
– originally presented 3/26/15
(click above link to view a .pdf of the powerpoint presentation)
A Lifelong Learning Society Four-Part Lecture Series: From “Tin Pan Alley” to Rock and Roll: The Story of American Popular Music Through Sound and Film, presented by James E. Cunningham PhD, at the Lifelong Learning Center, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Winter-Spring 2015.

“The Advent of American Popular Music : Stephen Foster, Minstrelsy, Tin Pan Alley, and the Great American Songbook” – originally presented 3/19/15
(click above link to view a .pdf of the powerpoint presentation)
A Lifelong Learning Society Four-Part Lecture Series: From “Tin Pan Alley” to Rock and Roll: The Story of American Popular Music Through Sound and Film, presented by James E. Cunningham PhD, at the Lifelong Learning Center, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Winter-Spring 2015.
performer, didgeridooist, composer, ethnomusicologist