I am headed up to Provincetown (P-Town), MA on a “sonic safari” for the weekend of October 16-18. P-Town, located on the Northern Tip of Cape Cod, is the residence of Jay Critchley, an artist-activist-collaborative-performance-multi-media-artist, who will be presenting a retrospective exhibition of his life’s work in cooperation with the University Galleries and Departments of Music, Theater, Dance, and Visual Arts at the Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters at Florida Atlantic University, beginning in February 2016. The primary focus of my trip is to capture the ambience of Jay’s backyard bee-hive “Septic Theater” performance space, which we plan to physically and acoustically replicate in the Schmidt Gallery during his exhibition.

This will be the first time I am traveling to an out-of-state remote location to record the acoustic signature of a specific space utilizing impulse response/convolution reverberation technology. The collected impulse response (IR) data will allow me to digitally replicate the acoustics the Septic Theater in an alternate performance environment, and at a future place and time. Relying on Jay’s local knowledge, I also hope to be able to capture some IR data from some other P-Town/Cape Cod acoustic sites.

Additionally, I plan to conduct a remote sewerphone recording session in the Septic Theater (a completely logical notion, I believe).